Category Archives: Performative systems

Αιμοπετάλια/ Platelets (2024)

Αιμοπετάλια/ Platelets (2024) Pic 1

Concept, performance, video, narration: Eleni Kolliopoulou
performance, narration: Stratos Papadoudis
video and audio editing: Thanasis Epitideios
With the support of H.F.R.I.

This work is the third artistic research project and part of my current post doctoral research in Butoh-fu inspired dramaturgy.

Watch video documentation:

Αιμοπετάλια/ Platelets (2024) Pic 2

Αιμοπετάλια is a mixed-media performance unfolding around the bodily sensations, feelings, thoughts of war prisoners informed by Butoh-fu ‘Walking as a pure measure’. The visual performance run along the recording of Italo Calvino’s ‘Waiting for death in a hotel’. This work is dedicated to all victims of injustices.

Αιμοπετάλια/ Platelets (2024) Pic 3

KYTTAΡΟ/ THE CELL (2020, 2022)

pic from participatory art performance KYTTAΡΟ/ THE CELL performed at 2nd performance Festival at Lycabbetus, Athens in May 2020
pic from participatory art performance KYTTAΡΟ/ THE CELL performed at 2nd performance Festival at Lycabbetus, Athens in May 2020

KYTTAΡΟ/ THE CELL is a participatory artwork that explores the possibility of a group being self-governed without having a leader that takes decisions. Consisting of a hula hoop and a simple set of scores, KYTTAΡΟ/ THE CELL is a peripatetic performance that comes to life from its participants/ co-authors. It was performed on 2020 in Athens and on 2022 at Connective Symposium hosted by Fontys Art School in Tilburg, NL.

Sky-field 1 (2018) & 2 (2019)

Sky-field performative installation (2018) Pollen studios, audio visual output, sound, speakers, white clothesline, white canvas with blend of rice and wheat flour
Sky-field video still 1
Sky-field video still 2
Sky-field performative installation (2019) Belfast Campus, audio visual output, sound, speakers, white canvas with blend of rice and wheat flour
Sky-field performative installation (2018) Belfast campus, audio visual output, sound, speakers, white canvas with blend of rice and wheat flour

Sky-field performative installation (2019) was the third research project of my practice-based PhD hosted by Ulster University, Belfast. The installation was activated by the com-presence of the participants who were invited to improvise in a synergistic physical action within the installation space. Sky-field comprised a video depicting the process of murmuration filmed by the artist, a white canvas sheet with a blend of rice and wheat flour, audio input edited upon Y, Kalaitzis piece ‘Pneumon’, a structure with white clothesline stitched to each other.

Waste-is-land (2018)

Waste-is-land (2018) performative installation, Glass box, Belfast campus. hanging pot with lilac tree, coffee grounds, soil, worn clothes, worn suitcase, bucket, sound with vocal improvisation on Wasteland of T.S. Eliot performed by Eleni Kolliopoulou and James King
Waste-is-land (2018) performative installation, Glass box, Belfast campus. hanging pot with lilac tree, coffee grounds, soil, worn clothes, worn suitcase, bucket, sound with vocal improvisation on Wasteland of T.S. Eliot performed by Eleni Kolliopoulou and James King


Waste-is-land (2018) performative installation is the second research project of my practice-based PhD research in Ulster University, Belfast Campus. The piece was activated and shaped by participants each time in a cyclic way. Waste-is-land incorporated a vocal improvisation based on Wasteland by T.S. Eliott performed by Eleni Kolliopoulou and James King, a hanging pot with a lilac tree, an open worn suitcase with coffee ground and soil, worn clothes, a bucket. The piece addressed the embodiment of Lifedeath a core concept of Butoh dance.

Seabed (2018)

Seabed, performative installation (2018) image detail showing the artifact. Metallic bars forming a cube-shape, black clothes stitched to each other, soft blue lighting, 4 speakers, electric fan.

Seabed (2018) was a performative installation, first artistic research project during my practice-based PhD questioning immersion via stillness via individual experience- permanence within the artifact.

Inspired by Butoh dance notation ‘Mother Sea’, invited the participant to reconnect in a psycho-physical level with the installation space. Soundtrack from Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komiya Pendulum sea, Accumulation.