Inside-out (2015) was a site-specific installation created during Prespes residency organized by Fine arts Academy, Florina, Greece
The space encloses and penetrates the material. The space allows the time to penetrate the material and produce/ mοuld new forms. During the encounter between time and space, gradually, matter’s limits are catalyzed thus dynamics is created, hence change comes into play before our eyes: the transition of space-time is visible in the materials.
Forms vary, get shaped, re -structured: garments’ fibbers blend with rust. The sculptor is space-time. I invite the time to impact on materials. I hasten its effect by opening a hole in the garment. My attempt is to illustrate artistically and visualize both concepts (space + time).
The two cut T-shirts (body, human presence or absence, meaning lived experience, in other words life) commune. They are appositely disposed opposite one another in a communicating relationship.
Among them “flows” space.
Being connected at a distance, they are a living system, a kind of contemporary eco-habitat.